Why Does Your Voice Sound So Different on Recordings?

Ever heard yourself on a recording and went: “Wait… is that how I really sound?”

Even if you’ve never recorded yourself singing before, you’ve probably heard your own speaking voice on videos.

So why do you sound so different?

That’s because how you hear yourself is different from how everybody else hears you.

When you speak or sing, around 70% of what you hear is conduction through your skull, brain and the whole head to your eardrums. The other 30% of the sound travels from your mouth into your ears.

When other people hear you speak or sing, 100% of your voice travels from your mouth into their ears.

That’s why it’s important for you to record your singing voice when (the time is right).

You’ll get a better idea of how you actually sound and make adjustments as you practice.

It does take a while to get used to your own voice on recordings.

Personally, I have hundreds of audio recordings on my voice memo app. I use the app all the time to assess myself when practicing.

It took me a long time to finally start ‘liking’ the sound of my voice.

The more you listen to your voice on recordings, the more you’ll get used to it.

And you won’t be freaked out anymore.

FREE Ebook: How to Go From Shower to Stage

Discover the 3-step system to gain control of your voice and sing with confidence in public (even if you only ever sing in the shower) 

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